During the school-session, if a particular child is medically or mentally unfit to attend the school, the teacher or the Principal reserves the right to send the child back home.
- Students should attend the school in the recommended uniform and strictly follow the code-of-conduct and rule of discipline of the school.
- Speaking of English is encouraged in the school, and so are good manners, good habits, obedience, order, and punctuality.
- During the working hours, order and silence are to be maintained while moving around the premises. Running, playing or shouting inside the school building is not allowed.
- During the working hours, order and silence are to be maintained while moving around the premises, running, playing or shouting inside the school building is not allowed.
- Regular attendance of a child is an important element for any successful schoolwork; the submission of prior written application for leave is necessary.
- The school shall not be responsible for books, money, clothes or other articles that are lost. The pupils must look after their own articles with them.
- Students are not allowed to take private tuitions, paid or unpaid from any teacher of the school without the permission of the Principal.
- Any damage done in the classroom, laboratory, and the school premises or in the bus has to be made good by the student.
- Every student should pay his or her fees in time and especially at the end of the academic session, that is, March of every year. Else, the students will not be allowed to write the Session ending Examination, partially or completely. In addition, their result will be withheld.
- In case of any clarification, the parents / guardians should meet only the Principal and not the concerned teacher.
- Every student should carry the school Diary daily with him/her to the school.
- The students should behave in a refined manner wherever they go. They should always remember that the school would be judged by their conduct. They should always greet their teacher, elder and friends in a pleasant and audible tone of voice whenever they meet them in the school or outside.
- Care must be had for school property. The students must not scratch or spoil the desk, chair etc. write in chalk or pencil on the walls or in any way damage what belongs to the school. Damage done or noticed should be reported at once.
- Cycles must be kept locked in the cycle stand and never left standing about the ground unlocked. The school will not take any responsibility in case the cycle is lost.
- The prescribed school uniform is to be worn on all class days and at all school function.
- Any students to be exempted from PT/Games or any other school activity should produce a Doctor’s certificate to the effect that he/she is physically unfit to take part therein.
- Repeated absences without leave for unexplained absence for more than ten days render the student liable to dismissal.
- A student found copying or using unfair means even discovered subsequently will be treated as failed in the particular subject or paper.
- Indiscipline is not allowed in the school. Students found guilty of indiscipline will be removed from the school.
- Students misbehaving in the school bus will be barred from using the school transport.
- No story books or magazines should be brought to the school. No obscene literature will be allowed in the school premises.